Spilling it all out.

- Syafiqah Harun
- I have high ambitions but i contradict too much. I wanna live the life I dreamed of. And yes indeed I have, but there's more to accomplish when you know life's too short.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
& the race begins..
I am officially back in school.yes still in SCHOOL =P
I was actually scared to go back.I mean I had those issues and everything.
But then I went back,it wasnt all bad,I mean I felt some akwardness and all but then everything was fine and I was actually having fun!
I missed alot of people and it was nice seeing them again after like a month!haha.
But yeah the issues are still there I guess,I just choose to not deal or even care.
Life's too short to be even thinking about them I swear.
So I go to my first class and THANK GOD the calculus teacher wasnt there.I didnt even do the hw she gave us.So the sub who took over LOVED me,so I didnt do anything that period.hahaha.I just kept talking and everything.
Goes on for all the periods and I realized Iwas actually happy at one point =)
It was such a relief for me. Alhamdulillah.
Hope it goes on to be like this.
Semester exams are coming up and I really needed to study.I wanted to stay in Bahrain and sign out with my friends to do a study group but I was crazy shocked about what was going to happen in Bahrain those 2 days so I decided to go back to Saudi.
I'm trying to study but haha yeah,this post showed up so imagine what I'm doing now :P
Updating soon.bye loves xxx
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Winter Break & its hooligans =D
ok woooooo!wo wo woooo.haha
i think its been forever since ive written nything heree.
ok so now im having winter break coz well its winter here.just with no snow :P
school's off for a whole month,jyeahh babyyy.but loads and loooaaaddsss of homework.
screw that!haha =P
the first and 2nd week was AMAZINGGGGG.hmm hmmmm.
we went to dubai,oman and abu dhabi.omg yess ROADTRIP!
after so many years,we had to move to saudi arabia to do one again.
daddy wud always do them when we were living in the States but when we moved back to Malaysia,he just grew too lazy to do anything..so this was kinda refreshing.
so this is how it wentt...
i forgot what day it was but i think it was on a Wednesday.
we woke up at 3am.yes people 3 am.not good for the girl who at least wakes up at 12 in the afternoon.
mama forced us to pack the night b4 to avoid any fuss or moodswings from the PARENTS in the morning.
i got up half no 75% still asleep and took shower.shit the water was cold so i was wide awake afta that.haha
i went dow,didnt care bout breakfast coz it was wat?4am!
we packed and we were on the road by 8.haha nice plan daddy,u wanted to be out of the house by 6 :P
so then i wasnt comfortable AT ALL in the car.
1st of all,there were too much bags for a week's trip.haha dun blame me!i need my clothes :P
in the car daddy was going on and on about how we GIRLS cant save some space and bring less clothes.
all of my sisters were looking at me as if im the only one.and i was defending myself!i was like 'what if sumthing happens?what if my clothes get dirty?what if we were robbed?what if rain falls suddenly and our clothes get wet?'
hahahaha bab2 ni la yg best merepek.daddy shut off afta that.
i tried sleeping but my BUTT was too numb by 9am.hahaha.
so did a lil reading and all.
oh so yaa fell asleep and woke up to the sound of the GPS
yes people,during the whole roadtrip,we used a GPS.thank god it didnt turn out like the movie where the GPS scrwed up and brought the people to CHina.hahahaaaha :DD
our first destination was ABU DHABI =D
the country was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L !!!
gunung ganang merata2 and they were rock mountains,not the ones like in Malaysia or forveer never have in Saudi Arabia.HAHAHA.
we arrived at night and we got lost!
yesss the GPS scrwed up A LIL..
our hotel was located on sum huge ass mountain and we cud see it from far but we cudnt reach the place!
haha so it took us bout an hour wondering arnd the place trying to fnd the road that led up to the mountain.
FINALLLY at like 11pm we found it.
SHIT the mountain was HUGEEEE and i mean it.
the altitude change brought ringing in my ears like crazyyyy. and it took like half an hour upp that mountain.
hahaha unlike kat Mesia,we cant change the gear here.soo it was hard i guess for mama to drive.
but the view from above was amazingggg.it was so pretty.u cud see the whole Abu Dhabi from that mountain.oh the the place was called Al-Ain.the mountain was called Jabal sumtingg.agagaga i forgot :P
when we reached the hotel it was sooo cold outside my fingers were turning purple.hahaha yaaa purposely using PURPLE coz its my fav color :P
but yeah we only stayed at the hotel which was amazinggg for a night coz we had to head off to Oman.
in the morning i woke up got ready and we were out by 12.hahaaha
isnt it amazing how four daughters cud stall the time for so long just to get ready?hahaha.
daddy was mad to his pits! ;D i love you daddyy.thanx for being patient <33
so ondaway down we stopped at a few resting stops to take pics.and daddy started bebeling about the rocks on the mountains since i wanna be a geologist.
but hahahaa they looked all the same to me =D
then *snap snap* we took pics at a few stops.
but this one perticular stop i HAVE to tell you guys about.
hahah this was gonna be the joke MY laughter thorughout the whole trip.
did i mention that during the roadtrip,i saw more indians than arabs in their country.
yes people,labor force.but yeahh.
so we got out of the car.and no other nations were in sight besides indians ok.
so i was like wooo ookaaayyyy =D
hahaha and then literally OUT OF NOWHERE,this huge CHINESE group came ok.
yes it was proven that they were from CHINA coz daddy asked.hahaha
and i started bursting out laughing!
i was like "OMG MALAYSIA DO!!!"
achik and angah took awhile to figure it out but then they started bursting out laughing too!
daddy was like wth is wrong with my kids?
ok so for those who are still lost in the universe :/
so there were Indians, then Chinese, and then came along the Malays who were us!
what does that equal??
haha MALAYSIA ok.get it?
hahahaaa yeahhh agk jakun ok but i tot it was funny.coz cm coincidence gile!hahahaa :D

so *snap snap* again..
and we were off to OMAN.!!!
it took crazy 10 hours to get there.my BUTT was numb like crazyyyyy. & i think we got lost again.but i was too tired to evn care.i slept until we got to the border.i took quite a while there but i realized sumthing,
oman was exactly like abu dhabi!!!
oh did i forget to mention, a lil geography for people;
abu dhabi is part of UAE so afta we were thru the customs there,we didnt have to go thru them again to get to dubai. haha so 3 countries but only 2 borders through :)

nyways oman was a rocky as abu dhabi but it was amazinggg.hahah the thing was when we got there,it started raiing.
yes winter time,and it rains there.hahaha.it was pretty amusing to me coz we didnt expect rain in oman.
we got near the city,we were heading to Muscat and OMGGG.
OMGGGGG,there was a freakinggg flash flood in Muscat.
yes people FLASH FLOOD,and sebab i was JAKUN like shit coz you dont get flash floods in these places.
it was weird enuf there was rain,but flash floods???
yeah it was 10 o'clock at night and i was amazzzeeedddddd =D
daddy siap amek video but we missed the good parts,hahah there was a huge truck stuck in the middle of the road.gosh flash floods,can u imagine that?and u cud see kids playing in the water.STUPID.hahaha
cm malaysia lak :')
so nyways we arrived in Muscat and daddy the smart one forgot to book a hotel,so we had to find a decent apartment to live in.
option 1: indian past 1950s hotel
option 2: arabic decent hotel apartment.
oh yes yes!option 2 ok!hahaha.we were freaked outt,the thought of staying in an old indian hotel gave me the creeps :P
so we settled in,ate and slept.
next morning kua jln2,and omg the scenery was amazingggg.
OMAN is such a beautiful country no douubt about it.
and to top it of,it was sucha clean ciuntry too!im siyes not joking at all.
the streets and sidewalks were ZERO percent of trash.NADAAA :D
it was niceeee,and u dont see people literring too.
the people were soo freindlyy,it was nice too see people like them :)
we went to the forts and GRAND PALACE of the sultan.

oh and apparently Oman is actually called the Sultanate of Oman.
hahaha yeahh geographyyy in my blog.FUN xD
then we went to this one fort near the seaside,and it was a climb of a 4 storey hugh building!
gile babi pny gayat and i had to hold baby's hands.it was crazy scary but worth the view from the top.haha but the climb down was the scariest.i was scared for daddy at one point when he took ten minits to get down.hahaha.

so then more sight seeing in Oman,went shopping.
bought a shisha set.PURPLE.hahahaa.nice but no im not trying it :)
then after 3 days we were off to DUBAI =))
didnt take long but we got lost in the mountains.and there was no immigration to get passed so it was easy.
got there and saw the AL-BARJ.it was pretty at night and the builidig constantly changed colors.AMAZING all i cud say.
but then yeah the bad part,we were LOST
literally LOST.
the GPS cudnt pick up the address of our hotel.so we had to find the hotel ourselves.
it took us 2 hours to find it and we were starving to death.hahaha
yeahhh the miracles of the GPS aint that great :P
we finally found the hotel and i crashed down and just slept.
woke up next morning went sight seeing and went shopping!
ohh the highlight of the stay in dubai was TWILIGHT.
omgg imma hugeee fan thanx to my beloved suami qurratu aini!
we went to the cinema in the Mall of Emirates.
omggg packed with peopl from everywhere!but yes in dubai,commonly?philipines.
hhmm mmm.hahahah xD
we did shopping and went to 3 diff amazing shopping malls.
mall of emirates, ibn kha??? mall and sum other mall i forgot.
the architecture was cool.hahaha.and yeah we got to see this art show displaying arts made from redbull cans.it was hillarious!
people are pretty creative when it comes to that energy drink.hahaha.
after 4 days,we headed back home.
it was an amazing roadtrip.lost along the way but we found our way.
thanx daddy we love youu.
hahaha my highlights for winter break is offcially over.! :P

Ras Tanura is getting more and more cold and im freezing my butts off here.
missing my freinds and cant wait to go back to bahrain despite the mountain loads of hw.
ohhh kteorg maybe pegi bahrain next week,to celebrate baby's 8th bday.
23 dec her big day.
will update soon!
lots of love !xxoxoxoxo
p/s i'll upload pics ASAP ok.
internet's been down like shit here.
i think its been forever since ive written nything heree.
ok so now im having winter break coz well its winter here.just with no snow :P
school's off for a whole month,jyeahh babyyy.but loads and loooaaaddsss of homework.
screw that!haha =P
the first and 2nd week was AMAZINGGGGG.hmm hmmmm.
we went to dubai,oman and abu dhabi.omg yess ROADTRIP!
after so many years,we had to move to saudi arabia to do one again.
daddy wud always do them when we were living in the States but when we moved back to Malaysia,he just grew too lazy to do anything..so this was kinda refreshing.
so this is how it wentt...
i forgot what day it was but i think it was on a Wednesday.
we woke up at 3am.yes people 3 am.not good for the girl who at least wakes up at 12 in the afternoon.
mama forced us to pack the night b4 to avoid any fuss or moodswings from the PARENTS in the morning.
i got up half no 75% still asleep and took shower.shit the water was cold so i was wide awake afta that.haha
i went dow,didnt care bout breakfast coz it was wat?4am!
we packed and we were on the road by 8.haha nice plan daddy,u wanted to be out of the house by 6 :P
so then i wasnt comfortable AT ALL in the car.
1st of all,there were too much bags for a week's trip.haha dun blame me!i need my clothes :P
in the car daddy was going on and on about how we GIRLS cant save some space and bring less clothes.
all of my sisters were looking at me as if im the only one.and i was defending myself!i was like 'what if sumthing happens?what if my clothes get dirty?what if we were robbed?what if rain falls suddenly and our clothes get wet?'
hahahaha bab2 ni la yg best merepek.daddy shut off afta that.
i tried sleeping but my BUTT was too numb by 9am.hahaha.
so did a lil reading and all.
oh so yaa fell asleep and woke up to the sound of the GPS
yes people,during the whole roadtrip,we used a GPS.thank god it didnt turn out like the movie where the GPS scrwed up and brought the people to CHina.hahahaaaha :DD
our first destination was ABU DHABI =D
the country was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L !!!
gunung ganang merata2 and they were rock mountains,not the ones like in Malaysia or forveer never have in Saudi Arabia.HAHAHA.
we arrived at night and we got lost!
yesss the GPS scrwed up A LIL..
our hotel was located on sum huge ass mountain and we cud see it from far but we cudnt reach the place!
haha so it took us bout an hour wondering arnd the place trying to fnd the road that led up to the mountain.
FINALLLY at like 11pm we found it.
SHIT the mountain was HUGEEEE and i mean it.
the altitude change brought ringing in my ears like crazyyyy. and it took like half an hour upp that mountain.
hahaha unlike kat Mesia,we cant change the gear here.soo it was hard i guess for mama to drive.
but the view from above was amazingggg.it was so pretty.u cud see the whole Abu Dhabi from that mountain.oh the the place was called Al-Ain.the mountain was called Jabal sumtingg.agagaga i forgot :P
when we reached the hotel it was sooo cold outside my fingers were turning purple.hahaha yaaa purposely using PURPLE coz its my fav color :P
but yeah we only stayed at the hotel which was amazinggg for a night coz we had to head off to Oman.
in the morning i woke up got ready and we were out by 12.hahaaha
isnt it amazing how four daughters cud stall the time for so long just to get ready?hahaha.
daddy was mad to his pits! ;D i love you daddyy.thanx for being patient <33

so ondaway down we stopped at a few resting stops to take pics.and daddy started bebeling about the rocks on the mountains since i wanna be a geologist.
but hahahaa they looked all the same to me =D
then *snap snap* we took pics at a few stops.
but this one perticular stop i HAVE to tell you guys about.
hahah this was gonna be the joke MY laughter thorughout the whole trip.
did i mention that during the roadtrip,i saw more indians than arabs in their country.
yes people,labor force.but yeahh.
so we got out of the car.and no other nations were in sight besides indians ok.
so i was like wooo ookaaayyyy =D
hahaha and then literally OUT OF NOWHERE,this huge CHINESE group came ok.
yes it was proven that they were from CHINA coz daddy asked.hahaha
and i started bursting out laughing!
i was like "OMG MALAYSIA DO!!!"
achik and angah took awhile to figure it out but then they started bursting out laughing too!
daddy was like wth is wrong with my kids?
ok so for those who are still lost in the universe :/
so there were Indians, then Chinese, and then came along the Malays who were us!
what does that equal??
haha MALAYSIA ok.get it?
hahahaaa yeahhh agk jakun ok but i tot it was funny.coz cm coincidence gile!hahahaa :D

so *snap snap* again..
and we were off to OMAN.!!!
it took crazy 10 hours to get there.my BUTT was numb like crazyyyyy. & i think we got lost again.but i was too tired to evn care.i slept until we got to the border.i took quite a while there but i realized sumthing,
oman was exactly like abu dhabi!!!
oh did i forget to mention, a lil geography for people;
abu dhabi is part of UAE so afta we were thru the customs there,we didnt have to go thru them again to get to dubai. haha so 3 countries but only 2 borders through :)

nyways oman was a rocky as abu dhabi but it was amazinggg.hahah the thing was when we got there,it started raiing.
yes winter time,and it rains there.hahaha.it was pretty amusing to me coz we didnt expect rain in oman.
we got near the city,we were heading to Muscat and OMGGG.
OMGGGGG,there was a freakinggg flash flood in Muscat.
yes people FLASH FLOOD,and sebab i was JAKUN like shit coz you dont get flash floods in these places.
it was weird enuf there was rain,but flash floods???
yeah it was 10 o'clock at night and i was amazzzeeedddddd =D
daddy siap amek video but we missed the good parts,hahah there was a huge truck stuck in the middle of the road.gosh flash floods,can u imagine that?and u cud see kids playing in the water.STUPID.hahaha
cm malaysia lak :')
so nyways we arrived in Muscat and daddy the smart one forgot to book a hotel,so we had to find a decent apartment to live in.
option 1: indian past 1950s hotel
option 2: arabic decent hotel apartment.
oh yes yes!option 2 ok!hahaha.we were freaked outt,the thought of staying in an old indian hotel gave me the creeps :P
so we settled in,ate and slept.
next morning kua jln2,and omg the scenery was amazingggg.
OMAN is such a beautiful country no douubt about it.
and to top it of,it was sucha clean ciuntry too!im siyes not joking at all.
the streets and sidewalks were ZERO percent of trash.NADAAA :D
it was niceeee,and u dont see people literring too.
the people were soo freindlyy,it was nice too see people like them :)
we went to the forts and GRAND PALACE of the sultan.

oh and apparently Oman is actually called the Sultanate of Oman.
hahaha yeahh geographyyy in my blog.FUN xD
then we went to this one fort near the seaside,and it was a climb of a 4 storey hugh building!
gile babi pny gayat and i had to hold baby's hands.it was crazy scary but worth the view from the top.haha but the climb down was the scariest.i was scared for daddy at one point when he took ten minits to get down.hahaha.

so then more sight seeing in Oman,went shopping.
bought a shisha set.PURPLE.hahahaa.nice but no im not trying it :)
then after 3 days we were off to DUBAI =))
didnt take long but we got lost in the mountains.and there was no immigration to get passed so it was easy.
got there and saw the AL-BARJ.it was pretty at night and the builidig constantly changed colors.AMAZING all i cud say.
but then yeah the bad part,we were LOST
literally LOST.
the GPS cudnt pick up the address of our hotel.so we had to find the hotel ourselves.
it took us 2 hours to find it and we were starving to death.hahaha
yeahhh the miracles of the GPS aint that great :P
we finally found the hotel and i crashed down and just slept.
woke up next morning went sight seeing and went shopping!
ohh the highlight of the stay in dubai was TWILIGHT.
omgg imma hugeee fan thanx to my beloved suami qurratu aini!
we went to the cinema in the Mall of Emirates.
omggg packed with peopl from everywhere!but yes in dubai,commonly?philipines.
hhmm mmm.hahahah xD
we did shopping and went to 3 diff amazing shopping malls.
mall of emirates, ibn kha??? mall and sum other mall i forgot.
the architecture was cool.hahaha.and yeah we got to see this art show displaying arts made from redbull cans.it was hillarious!
people are pretty creative when it comes to that energy drink.hahaha.
after 4 days,we headed back home.
it was an amazing roadtrip.lost along the way but we found our way.
thanx daddy we love youu.
hahaha my highlights for winter break is offcially over.! :P

Ras Tanura is getting more and more cold and im freezing my butts off here.
missing my freinds and cant wait to go back to bahrain despite the mountain loads of hw.
ohhh kteorg maybe pegi bahrain next week,to celebrate baby's 8th bday.
23 dec her big day.
will update soon!
lots of love !xxoxoxoxo
p/s i'll upload pics ASAP ok.
internet's been down like shit here.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
As the heart moves on..
figured i needed a catching headline some time soon :P
so yeah i havent been blogging much.its hard finding time these days.
they just pass by so so fast. well here i am again.
weakened from life and tired as usual. I guess i dont have much strength but i never care at the end of the day. Cause another day is just coming ahead. New day New start.
ok merepek bla bla bla bla..bla bla bla..
im kinda lost in words now.
so oh well now its getting colder since winter's coming.
yes,in Saudi Arabia,where theres sand and sand and sand.we do have winter and it gets REALLY cold here.
so people are getting sick coz maybe they're not used to it.but so far im good still.
nothing much going on now but i just realized that i had sum lessons in life learned especially this week.
yes people that has always been my lesson of life and yet i never learn.
i hurt and never learn.but hey its life.nothing's perfect in life.
but nyways im getting the point now. this message has to stick to my mind sum time soon.
its how life is,you hurt you move on.
ive accomplished part of that but i still have a far way to go.
im starting now.and i know i am. SO PROUD :)
but yeah continuing, winter's break is cuming up soon.
last day of school is on Dec 4 and we have a month off.
yay!but i know there's gonna be soo much work to dooo.argghh.
So far there's no plans at all. Egypt? cancelled.. Malaysia? cancelled.. Qatar? cancelled.
so basically there's no plans for anything!hope i can just have sleepovers with my friends and have fun.hope they're not gong anywhere tho.
Winterball is also coming up but i havent discussed it with mama and daddy yet.shit.i have to talk to them bout "it". hope it goes well.
oh yeah i almost forgot!
to all my friends back in malaysia,yg amek spm tuuu;
GOODLUCK!!!! i wish all the best for all of u guyss..
YOU can DO IT!!!one more fugging step and you're FREEEE!!! :D
ok not for forever but u know what i mean.
im soo jealous!they're almost finihsed and i have 2 mre years stuck here.
oh well.people take different courses in life right?
hmm got nothing more to say now.will update soon.
so yeah i havent been blogging much.its hard finding time these days.
they just pass by so so fast. well here i am again.
weakened from life and tired as usual. I guess i dont have much strength but i never care at the end of the day. Cause another day is just coming ahead. New day New start.
ok merepek bla bla bla bla..bla bla bla..
im kinda lost in words now.
so oh well now its getting colder since winter's coming.
yes,in Saudi Arabia,where theres sand and sand and sand.we do have winter and it gets REALLY cold here.
so people are getting sick coz maybe they're not used to it.but so far im good still.
nothing much going on now but i just realized that i had sum lessons in life learned especially this week.
yes people that has always been my lesson of life and yet i never learn.
i hurt and never learn.but hey its life.nothing's perfect in life.
but nyways im getting the point now. this message has to stick to my mind sum time soon.
its how life is,you hurt you move on.
ive accomplished part of that but i still have a far way to go.
im starting now.and i know i am. SO PROUD :)
but yeah continuing, winter's break is cuming up soon.
last day of school is on Dec 4 and we have a month off.
yay!but i know there's gonna be soo much work to dooo.argghh.
So far there's no plans at all. Egypt? cancelled.. Malaysia? cancelled.. Qatar? cancelled.
so basically there's no plans for anything!hope i can just have sleepovers with my friends and have fun.hope they're not gong anywhere tho.
Winterball is also coming up but i havent discussed it with mama and daddy yet.shit.i have to talk to them bout "it". hope it goes well.
oh yeah i almost forgot!
to all my friends back in malaysia,yg amek spm tuuu;
GOODLUCK!!!! i wish all the best for all of u guyss..
YOU can DO IT!!!one more fugging step and you're FREEEE!!! :D
ok not for forever but u know what i mean.
im soo jealous!they're almost finihsed and i have 2 mre years stuck here.
oh well.people take different courses in life right?
hmm got nothing more to say now.will update soon.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
well yeah we do have it here.HALLOWEEN.
kalu kat mesia,haram kalu smbut sbb psl hantu and syaitan sume,tp yeah funny gak,arb saudi,still ade meh?haha.
probably bcoz our compound and our school American-based so mmg drg smbut pun.
but nyways,Bahrain School had a Spooktacular Bash and it was a major event at that night.
ramai gile org dr luar and skolah len dtg.wahh meriah gile arh.
mule2 i wasnt gonna go coz mama wanted us back home but then angah had to go buy the tickets so we went instead.i was worried coz i didnt plan it out with my friends so i didnt know who i was gonna go with but then turns out Jess was goin so i was goooood :)
mule2 ingat nak dress up la nak pakai costume sume but it was last minit!i had no damn costume and the last 30 minutes of the event i find out that i was gonna help with the Not-So-Haunted-House for the lil kids!
hampeh gileeeee plan!tade costume so i went as a gypsy 'supposedly'.HAHA :P
bile tny org i look like what,they all said i looked like myself.i was like WTH??haha.but then people figured out soon i act looked like a gypsy!yay me :D
so then me and jess arrived from the dorm to school and damn the school looked amazing!the commitee did a really great job in decorating and all.nmpk live cm umah berhantu u wud say.haha.
so then the first agenda was going trick-or-treating like in the movies!oh gosh i havent been trickortreating in such a long time sjk2 dok kat Texas dulu.and now dpt merase blk.haha tp len sket lah,kalu dlm movies u go to house to house,this one u pegi kat one person to the other asking for candy.
hahah penuh jugak my bag!rase cm dak kecik lak :)
then me and jess were planning to chill je UNTIL her mom panggil kate ken awat shift at the kids' haunted house.alamaaaaaak dah naik malas dah rasenyeee.
but then we stole time to go to the haunted huse for teenagers.haaaa this one supposedly was gonna be scary coz it was all set up by the military guys from the American base.hahah so me and jess lined up with omar and others, but didnt care that much.
we went in a group of 6,us girls only.masuk2 pun dah seram gileee,kena lari la ape lah.
gelap gileeee dlm da room,seb bek ade glowinthedark sticks yg kteorg dpt mule2.so then nmpk la hantu gelak2 and people hanging from the ceilings.
mule2 ingat patung je,rupe2nye it was a real person!abis die jerkah i and smpt tngkp i kat tgn.i lagi la jerit cm org gile lari2 sume smpi terlanggar dinding.HAHAH.
haaaa this is when the funny part comes,!
pas terlanggar dinding,i got all dizzy and we were lost coz i was infront!hahaha i tried going thru the wall and all but didnt work so we started screaming.then lagi bangang the military guy yg supposedly our guide lari cm org gile saying "its fine its fine jst look down and crawl!" and we were like WHAT???
hahah pastu nmpk tunnel kat bwh.so we crawled thru and we made it out but the tunnel was pointless act.
hahah oh wells,credits to the army people.it was act a good haunted house but none can beat the one at Seef Mall with the chainsaw and all.hell yeah man that one's just crazy :)
then afta that me and jess headed staright to the kids haunted house.and we had to be the guides to the entrace.it was nice act being on shift.first of all i got CAS hours which is community service for IB which i really needed and 2nd of all i knew most of the lil kids and they LOVE me :)
not bragging at all but since i jadi TA(teacher's assistant) for elementary school,everyone from that part knew me and they were all coming up to me.its was fun coz i LOVE lil kids (:
then my shift took 2hours!two crazy hours WITHOUT FOOD.so u cud imagine how grumpy i was.then i finally got off shift and ate pizza hut but then i had no time to play all the games!
oh well it was a fun night act. so it was all good.
the next morning i went back to saudi.
after that we had another carnival in saudi which was kinda lame bcoz it was all for lil kids and since i had a lil sister i had to go babysit her.
mama and daddy were in a diff camp sbb ade opn house so i got stuck with all my sisters.
honestly it sucked bcoz i was already bored and going to a place like that made me more misrable but for the fun of my sisiter i just went.
came back home exausted like hell.and now typing this up.
*oh yeah MAJOR ATTENTION,ill try uploading pictures of events here soon.
still new with the blog so need time to figure out :)
kalu kat mesia,haram kalu smbut sbb psl hantu and syaitan sume,tp yeah funny gak,arb saudi,still ade meh?haha.
probably bcoz our compound and our school American-based so mmg drg smbut pun.
but nyways,Bahrain School had a Spooktacular Bash and it was a major event at that night.
ramai gile org dr luar and skolah len dtg.wahh meriah gile arh.
mule2 i wasnt gonna go coz mama wanted us back home but then angah had to go buy the tickets so we went instead.i was worried coz i didnt plan it out with my friends so i didnt know who i was gonna go with but then turns out Jess was goin so i was goooood :)
mule2 ingat nak dress up la nak pakai costume sume but it was last minit!i had no damn costume and the last 30 minutes of the event i find out that i was gonna help with the Not-So-Haunted-House for the lil kids!
hampeh gileeeee plan!tade costume so i went as a gypsy 'supposedly'.HAHA :P
bile tny org i look like what,they all said i looked like myself.i was like WTH??haha.but then people figured out soon i act looked like a gypsy!yay me :D
so then me and jess arrived from the dorm to school and damn the school looked amazing!the commitee did a really great job in decorating and all.nmpk live cm umah berhantu u wud say.haha.
so then the first agenda was going trick-or-treating like in the movies!oh gosh i havent been trickortreating in such a long time sjk2 dok kat Texas dulu.and now dpt merase blk.haha tp len sket lah,kalu dlm movies u go to house to house,this one u pegi kat one person to the other asking for candy.
hahah penuh jugak my bag!rase cm dak kecik lak :)
then me and jess were planning to chill je UNTIL her mom panggil kate ken awat shift at the kids' haunted house.alamaaaaaak dah naik malas dah rasenyeee.
but then we stole time to go to the haunted huse for teenagers.haaaa this one supposedly was gonna be scary coz it was all set up by the military guys from the American base.hahah so me and jess lined up with omar and others, but didnt care that much.
we went in a group of 6,us girls only.masuk2 pun dah seram gileee,kena lari la ape lah.
gelap gileeee dlm da room,seb bek ade glowinthedark sticks yg kteorg dpt mule2.so then nmpk la hantu gelak2 and people hanging from the ceilings.
mule2 ingat patung je,rupe2nye it was a real person!abis die jerkah i and smpt tngkp i kat tgn.i lagi la jerit cm org gile lari2 sume smpi terlanggar dinding.HAHAH.
haaaa this is when the funny part comes,!
pas terlanggar dinding,i got all dizzy and we were lost coz i was infront!hahaha i tried going thru the wall and all but didnt work so we started screaming.then lagi bangang the military guy yg supposedly our guide lari cm org gile saying "its fine its fine jst look down and crawl!" and we were like WHAT???
hahah pastu nmpk tunnel kat bwh.so we crawled thru and we made it out but the tunnel was pointless act.
hahah oh wells,credits to the army people.it was act a good haunted house but none can beat the one at Seef Mall with the chainsaw and all.hell yeah man that one's just crazy :)
then afta that me and jess headed staright to the kids haunted house.and we had to be the guides to the entrace.it was nice act being on shift.first of all i got CAS hours which is community service for IB which i really needed and 2nd of all i knew most of the lil kids and they LOVE me :)
not bragging at all but since i jadi TA(teacher's assistant) for elementary school,everyone from that part knew me and they were all coming up to me.its was fun coz i LOVE lil kids (:
then my shift took 2hours!two crazy hours WITHOUT FOOD.so u cud imagine how grumpy i was.then i finally got off shift and ate pizza hut but then i had no time to play all the games!
oh well it was a fun night act. so it was all good.
the next morning i went back to saudi.
after that we had another carnival in saudi which was kinda lame bcoz it was all for lil kids and since i had a lil sister i had to go babysit her.
mama and daddy were in a diff camp sbb ade opn house so i got stuck with all my sisters.
honestly it sucked bcoz i was already bored and going to a place like that made me more misrable but for the fun of my sisiter i just went.
came back home exausted like hell.and now typing this up.
*oh yeah MAJOR ATTENTION,ill try uploading pictures of events here soon.
still new with the blog so need time to figure out :)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
this amazing person.this wonderful amazing person.this person who i love so much.
she taught me something today.i cant give up on things that were meant to be.
things that were meant to stay with me forever.
like my friendship with her.she taught me that we could succeed in keeping the friendship alive.even though billions of miles separate us, we can still make it.
u lose friends.u'll lose them alot throughot ur lives.u'll lose people who u love and care about every time,but there are those who stay with you forever.she's one of them and i know for sure.
smlm, bile i rase down sngt,i opned my myspace and i wondered how long was it that i replied everyone's comments and all.omg LAME GILE dah ok.i'm sorry guyss.cm tde mood lgsg nak repply.nak keep in touch with u guys but there's so lil time for me to do.
but this amazing person, qurratu' aini, she still had the time for me.oh how i love her so.
she came at the right moment when i had those emotional breakdowns.tyring to figure out my life and all.
she said alot of things that opned my eyes.that said to me that me and her are gonna be fine.
it sucks having to lose those you love.it sucks just having to end everything so beautiful.but she told me that's not gonna happen and i believe her :)
old things can to rekindle.i have proof but i shall not say who.but its good.
u cant just walk away and become a coward for the failure of one relationship.move on and keep striving in the ones you already are in.that's what im gonna do.
To Que;
Awk,kte tw awk akn bace nih sooner or later.and myb awk akn nanges je bile abis bace nih.haha awk tapeee,kte pun sme.awk kte syg gile babi kat awk ok.thanx sooo much sbb wat kte sedar yg kteorg still akn stay da same.i know i can count on you no matter what.how ironic wey we became closer afta kte pindah.awk tw u always have me to tell stories to kalu awk rase awk xleh nak cite kat spe2 lagi.just tell me i can lend an ear but not a shoulder for you to cry on.i miss the befores wey,bile slalu lepak and all.slalu gossip and all.i miss it.nak je blk ke mase tu.but i know kte xleh nak pegang sngt to the past,i have to move forward and im gonna do that.heck yeah que,kte dah lme dah wat cm2.& awk tw betapa susahnye kte kena wat.but yeah awk,ade gak those times when i rmmbr the past.& the saying is true,to rmmbr hurts more than to forget.
Pape pun jadi kte tw kte ade awk and awk kena tw awk slalu ade kte.xsaba sngt nak jmp awk ti.
& yes bile jmp,xnak nanges,kena nikmati mase kteorg sme2 k.ilysdm qurratu' aini <333
she taught me something today.i cant give up on things that were meant to be.
things that were meant to stay with me forever.
like my friendship with her.she taught me that we could succeed in keeping the friendship alive.even though billions of miles separate us, we can still make it.
u lose friends.u'll lose them alot throughot ur lives.u'll lose people who u love and care about every time,but there are those who stay with you forever.she's one of them and i know for sure.
smlm, bile i rase down sngt,i opned my myspace and i wondered how long was it that i replied everyone's comments and all.omg LAME GILE dah ok.i'm sorry guyss.cm tde mood lgsg nak repply.nak keep in touch with u guys but there's so lil time for me to do.
but this amazing person, qurratu' aini, she still had the time for me.oh how i love her so.
she came at the right moment when i had those emotional breakdowns.tyring to figure out my life and all.
she said alot of things that opned my eyes.that said to me that me and her are gonna be fine.
it sucks having to lose those you love.it sucks just having to end everything so beautiful.but she told me that's not gonna happen and i believe her :)
old things can to rekindle.i have proof but i shall not say who.but its good.
u cant just walk away and become a coward for the failure of one relationship.move on and keep striving in the ones you already are in.that's what im gonna do.
To Que;
Awk,kte tw awk akn bace nih sooner or later.and myb awk akn nanges je bile abis bace nih.haha awk tapeee,kte pun sme.awk kte syg gile babi kat awk ok.thanx sooo much sbb wat kte sedar yg kteorg still akn stay da same.i know i can count on you no matter what.how ironic wey we became closer afta kte pindah.awk tw u always have me to tell stories to kalu awk rase awk xleh nak cite kat spe2 lagi.just tell me i can lend an ear but not a shoulder for you to cry on.i miss the befores wey,bile slalu lepak and all.slalu gossip and all.i miss it.nak je blk ke mase tu.but i know kte xleh nak pegang sngt to the past,i have to move forward and im gonna do that.heck yeah que,kte dah lme dah wat cm2.& awk tw betapa susahnye kte kena wat.but yeah awk,ade gak those times when i rmmbr the past.& the saying is true,to rmmbr hurts more than to forget.
Pape pun jadi kte tw kte ade awk and awk kena tw awk slalu ade kte.xsaba sngt nak jmp awk ti.
& yes bile jmp,xnak nanges,kena nikmati mase kteorg sme2 k.ilysdm qurratu' aini <333
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tercipta Untukku
Menatap indahnya senyuman di wajahmu,
Membuat ku terdiam dan terpaku.
Menanti akan hadirnya cinta terindah,
Saat kau peluk mesra tubuhku.
Banyak kata yang tak mampu ku ungkapkan kepada dirimu..
Aku ingin engkau selalu,
Hadir dan temani aku,
Di setiap langkah yang meyakiniku,
Kau tercipta untukkuuu..
Meski waktu akan mampu menluruh seluruh ragaku,
Ku ingin kau tahu ku selalu milikmu,
Yang mencintaimu sepanjang hidupku..
this song reminds me of the people most important to me.
the ones who i loved and who i still love.
life goes on in a way that you seem you have forgotten.
but you would know yourself that its still there somewhere in your heart.
i miss the days i was happy with them.with all of them.i truly do.
we had so many cherished times that i could have never imagined in our life.
we're seperated but i still remember.
the memories,
joyful, heatbreaking,everything.its still here with me.
the times spent together, the memories made can never be replaced even if you say it.
you come to the point when you can never compare it with anything else.but life is cruel,i admit.
you get what you want then its gone and you start from scratch.
but you can never say you forget,because forgetting is for those who are scared.
scared that they will never forget the memories,scared the times would haunt them forever.
but by not forgetting, you learn.you learn from your own mistakes and also others.
thats what i did.thanks guys, you made part of what i am today.and if you're reading this, you know who you are.
for those still loved, i really miss you.
for those whom i say i've forgotten, to hell with the hate.
i just felt like expressing this.yes this is my all time favorite.xoxo
Menatap indahnya senyuman di wajahmu,
Membuat ku terdiam dan terpaku.
Menanti akan hadirnya cinta terindah,
Saat kau peluk mesra tubuhku.
Banyak kata yang tak mampu ku ungkapkan kepada dirimu..
Aku ingin engkau selalu,
Hadir dan temani aku,
Di setiap langkah yang meyakiniku,
Kau tercipta untukkuuu..
Meski waktu akan mampu menluruh seluruh ragaku,
Ku ingin kau tahu ku selalu milikmu,
Yang mencintaimu sepanjang hidupku..
this song reminds me of the people most important to me.
the ones who i loved and who i still love.
life goes on in a way that you seem you have forgotten.
but you would know yourself that its still there somewhere in your heart.
i miss the days i was happy with them.with all of them.i truly do.
we had so many cherished times that i could have never imagined in our life.
we're seperated but i still remember.
the memories,
joyful, heatbreaking,everything.its still here with me.
the times spent together, the memories made can never be replaced even if you say it.
you come to the point when you can never compare it with anything else.but life is cruel,i admit.
you get what you want then its gone and you start from scratch.
but you can never say you forget,because forgetting is for those who are scared.
scared that they will never forget the memories,scared the times would haunt them forever.
but by not forgetting, you learn.you learn from your own mistakes and also others.
thats what i did.thanks guys, you made part of what i am today.and if you're reading this, you know who you are.
for those still loved, i really miss you.
for those whom i say i've forgotten, to hell with the hate.
i just felt like expressing this.yes this is my all time favorite.xoxo
Friday, October 10, 2008
pretty bz weeek :)
yes it was..very very bz week.
not so much fun i guess.something's going on but it hard to explain.
arrghh relationships getting ruined again and again.
but my grades are up!thats a good thing.busting my head off with formulas in physics and calculus.
studying is hard now.hahah i cud admit to that too. :P
and and guess what?i got an A in my physics test!for the first freaking timeee!im sooo happy!
from all the F's ive been getting.sucha embarrassment.hahaha. so im doing pretty good.
Eid's almost over for us i guess but for the malaysians here,it still on a roll.got a few more ied parties next week so it shud be fun.
we missed out a major one yesterday and i was sooo mad!we cud have been here having fun but we were all stuck in bahrain in school!
fyi bahrain weekends are on fridays and saturdays and saudi weekends are on thursdays and fridays.*
but wtv,i got to see dekna bie achik and the guys soo it was ok :)
lme x rase lemang woo.gile besh!:DDD
mama was supposed to be making the kuih raye sum more but sumone had to put the butter inside the fridge again so now we cant.stupid! now i just have to wait for another batch next week.
argghhh wanting to say more things but my mind is messed up now..
i miss tasya and fzln.i have to call them soon.im feeling homesick again this time.hope it gets better.
i miss you guysss xoxo
not so much fun i guess.something's going on but it hard to explain.
arrghh relationships getting ruined again and again.
but my grades are up!thats a good thing.busting my head off with formulas in physics and calculus.
studying is hard now.hahah i cud admit to that too. :P
and and guess what?i got an A in my physics test!for the first freaking timeee!im sooo happy!
from all the F's ive been getting.sucha embarrassment.hahaha. so im doing pretty good.
Eid's almost over for us i guess but for the malaysians here,it still on a roll.got a few more ied parties next week so it shud be fun.
we missed out a major one yesterday and i was sooo mad!we cud have been here having fun but we were all stuck in bahrain in school!
fyi bahrain weekends are on fridays and saturdays and saudi weekends are on thursdays and fridays.*
but wtv,i got to see dekna bie achik and the guys soo it was ok :)
lme x rase lemang woo.gile besh!:DDD
mama was supposed to be making the kuih raye sum more but sumone had to put the butter inside the fridge again so now we cant.stupid! now i just have to wait for another batch next week.
argghhh wanting to say more things but my mind is messed up now..
i miss tasya and fzln.i have to call them soon.im feeling homesick again this time.hope it gets better.
i miss you guysss xoxo
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