Spilling it all out.

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I have high ambitions but i contradict too much. I wanna live the life I dreamed of. And yes indeed I have, but there's more to accomplish when you know life's too short.

Friday, September 26, 2008

raye raye..

ala,cm nak nanges pun ade.
pk psl raye.siod jek xleh blk.AGAIN.
to think about it,its been 3years since i smbt raye kat mesia.
raye kat saudi,oh gosh pny la babi boring.xleh describe.
kalu kat mesia,now dah stat cuti.
gerenti dah blk tganu.blk kmpg.dok umah Tok.kazen2 sume ade rmi2 keliliing i.
haha i fav drg,wat to do :P
pastu mlm raye,mkn rmi2 cm jamuan je.tok gerenti wat gulai kawah daging fames die tu.
Ya Allah,i pny la mkn bnyk mlm tuuu.mkn budu lagi.hahah dak kmpg an.pastu ratah ikan kering.
i ngan kak murni,mesti da last ones yg abis mkn.haha anak dara xelok betul.mkn bersila pastu pegang ikan kering.org tgk gerenti gelak.but i miss it.kak murni pun kazen plg rpt.tp die dah msk kolej.blk pun jrg.
nak gosip ngan die pun susah.lagi2 bile dah jauh kat cni.raye je lah time nak jmp nak lepak ngan die.gosh i reli miss it.
and then pas makan,i ngan kak murni gak yg tlg kemas2 basuh2 pinggan sume.penat mmg lah,tp kteorg yg plg sulong.kena la tlg an.
then semayang rmi2,daddy slalu jd imam.ye lah die yg plg sulong.
tp now,hm mst ayh ngah yg jd.xtw lah.
pastu wat semayang doa selamat.tuk arwah tok ki,auntie masitah ngan ayh teh.
Arwah ayh teh la plg i windu.dah lme gak die meninngal,tp everytyme nmpk gamba die,mst rase sedih.uncle fav.xsmpt nak ckp selamat tinggal pun kat die.tape,roh die tenang sne.InsyaAllah.
so then pas semayng sume,haaa time dak2 kecik suke ria lah!
main mercun,psg pelita kat lua.
haaa i pun pe lagi,bajet dak kecik arh.men skali!
tp ye la tgk2 kazen at the same time.pny la sonok men ngan drg.
"along along tgk!!" drg sume gerenti jerit nme i,soh tgk die wat pasir terbkr.hahaha.
pny la sonok tgk drg men,org2 tua sume pun dok kat halaman umah tok.sembang2 hal dewasa la agknye.haha tp pak alang ngan daddy x.haaa drg pun lebih kurang je,kalah dak kecik!
psg mercun sume,meletup kat udara!warne warni la umah tok mlm raye.
mlm2 lak tido rmi2,adoyyy kenangan duluuuu.

this year ngan last year,haihhh kenangan amende nye.tah lah.
tgk la cmne.
seb bek ade gak dak2 yg i kenal,drg leh wat i happy ti.lepak ngan drg la mse raye.
cni nak men bunga api,jrg harap lah.agknye kena tembak mati kot kalu pihak polis tngkp/
tade smangat lgsg.
plg sedih,pg raye.tade takbir :(
benda tu la i plg tunggu,tp drg xde kat cni.drg xwat.bgn pg pun cm bgn biase jek.
tade mud dah.
bj raye pun tade.baik xyah :(
saba je la ti.

Selamat Hari Raye sume.
Maaf Zahir Batin.

Friday, September 19, 2008

What happened?

(names not mentioned)

i xfhm.how cud things get so messed up.
we were so good before. we shared a lot of stuff.
sume org tahu kteorg were close. why did it get screwed up?
you changed.so so much.you dunno but everyone says it.
bnyk hati yg u lukai.mine hers them.
but still u xsedar.i miss you.sngt2 miss you.but i hate you too.
ur too much!ckp belakang org psl benda xbetul.
u wanna attract attention?then so be it.
u tried talking to me,pfft i ignored.xkuase nak lyn u dah.
i cant believe ur like that.i so cannot believe it!
where's the you last year?where's the you that i used to love talking to last year?
everything was perfectly fine at the beginning of this year but then it started to melt away.
you drifted away from me and i did that too.but still.no fights.
then people started asking.asking about you and me.
i said idk. i have no freaking idea what happened.
but still i wat xtw jek.wat bodo jek ngan ape org kate.
then she came along.telling me exactly what happened.
u ckp kat org itu ini.over a stupid reason!i cant believe you!
how fugging immature!xsngke u were like this.sungguh xsngke!
i cant stand seeing ur face.how pathetic can u be?dun try to talk to me.coz i wont eveer talk to u again.not untill u admit it.its funny how things can be.honestly?ur fugging gay.
with all that drama or urs.im laughing from behind dude.i dont give shit no more.
we'll see what happens.fag.


that's the first word you wud say if ur grateful for something.
& that's what i said when that incident happened.
last saturday, something hapenned.and trust me no one wud assume it would happen.
but im thankful,because of my ego and stubborness, i dnt get caught up in the mess that they had to go through.because i didnt want to be put in a disturbing condition, i wasnt involved in that accident.

last saturday, kteorg sume nak blk dorm mcm biase.and yes transport is provided so daddy anta i ngan angah kat luar camp meaning outside of the compound where we live. then as usual dah smpi,tgk2 the driver already arrived, but since there were alot of us dormies this weekend, there were two GMC's. but the problem was i xngam ngan sum of the them so i got annoyed easily.
hahah yeah yeah that's sooo me :P
so then when i saw them at one of the GMC i decided to go on the other just so we didint have to be in the same car as them!
very immature much? but yeah that saved my mood from being spoiled.
so then turns out that the other GMC and the one i was in was already full so we all left.
i felt alseep in the car and i was in the passenger's seat.
and it takes like 2 hrs nak smpi bahrain so ape lagi i nyenyak la tido.
then suddenly Ziq started screaming.jerit cm org gile.
"omg!omg! they crashed!wtf weyy??"
i bgn and i marah la mule2 coz he disturbed me from sleeping!i looked around and we were just about to enterthe causeway to the immigrasi part.
but then everyone else started screaming too, they all said the other car crashed too.!
i pun menggelabah cm crazy i asked the driver to stop the car immediately! everyone rushed out of the car and ran in the middle of the highway!
we rushed to the car and i was completely shocked!the fromt part of the car was completely crushed!! kemek!guess what crased them? LORI TANGKI MINYAK YG BESAR!
the i felt sooo scared for the people but then one by one came out of the car.
Alhamdulillah they were all fine. the girls were horrified and even the ones i ade mslh with came up to me and hugged me.they were crying like crazy loud.people were coming out their cars to see what happened.
they were in trauma.honestly im not a bad person.evn if i had problems with them, i couldnt stop to feel sorry for them.
it was a bad accident and thank Allah no one got hurt.
then he got out. i felt so bad. i havent talked to him in two weeks.
we just cant be friends anymore. but i was scared most of all for him. he came to me and i hugged him as tight as i cud. i was so glad he was alright. i asked the others what the hell happened.
the is the story;

The driver that was driving their car was the normal driver that picked us up every weeked, and honestly he was a good driver except of his crazy speeding.The driver was really really REALLY stupid.
ok at the causeway, there are 3 lanes for vehicles supposedly.,
but one lane,the one in the middle is special for mega big trucks and as people know, saudi and bahrain are famous for its oil and all so they were oil tank trucks.
so then the driver wanted to reach the causeway fast so the student could get through immigration quick.
he made a stupid move by going through the oil tank lane when he saw an empty spot.
suddenly when he didnt notice one of the trucks wanted to move foward and it crushed the side of the GMC.then the driver lost control and got hit again at the front of the GMC!
Tapi yg bgs sngt2 was the car didnt explode or anything.
Syukur Alhamdulillah lah.because anything cud cause the car to explode especially bile langgar lori tangki minyak.and to top that off TWICE!
the driver's life was already screwed,he's gonna lose his job first of all and myb face law suits from the parents.
but i was really mad at him.it was completely his fault but he never attempted to say sorry at all!
so then a replacement car came and took all of the kids that were involved in the accident.
we went back into our GMC and ondaway our driver confessed that of he didnt avoid the car that got crashed we would have got crushed too!
Ya Allah sumpah mase tu i was soo thankful that we went into that car and not the one that got crashed!
I cud never imagie being in that kind of car accident!i reallly cant.
i was gonna cry for all of them coz i felt so bad.
But i was glad that we were saved from it too.
Sometimes dlm hidup,kte kena bersyukur sngt3. I rase cm2 sekarang.
Ade mase bile kteorg xkan ske ngan ape yg kte ade dlm hidup but at most of the times, something good is going to come.
I rase geram ngan a few kids and coz of my stubborness i was saved.
Make good choices people.xoxo

Friday, September 12, 2008


its pretty crazy.
ehem yeah sure absolutely!
well its 0122 in the morning here.and im still awake.
TRYING to at least finsih one of my homework but its sooo hard to concentrate.
guess whats killing me these days?
IB!yeah i kinda forgot what its long name called but really it is!
i have never been so caught up in my studies for as long as i remember!
and the sad part is HAHA i have no clue what im learning in class somtimes.
and the most killer subject?
yeah someone shoot me now.i have no freaking idea what im doing in that class.but i have to try right?

You see i had this very AMAZING new year resolution.(kinda)
that was to work and study really hard this year.
no play time no social time but noooo i just had to break it!
so far,i havent gone near to staying in my room for 2hours and at least get my hw done.
instead after 30 minutes i feel like im suffocating in the room.( whats that phobia people get when they stay in small spaces? i forgot)
so then i say to myself,"oh ill go out for just a bit to get grapes or snacks or something and come back."
but noooo i just had to go and chill in front then talk talk talk.yup nice studying skills ive got right?
im soo screwed this year.im getting tutors for calculus and physics. God help me.

I need to get a head start.yeah.really really need to get a head start.

Someone who I cherish.

Yeah you.yes you.
Muhammad Naim.
i called you at umm I forgot when, just to wish you and you didnt pick up.
i tried calling again but hampeh.
so i left you a message, saying 'pick up the hp will you.'
u messaged back. saying 'sorry i tdo' so typical of you.
then i called.didnt pick up again. went back to sleep.
woke up at 12 (in Saudi). tried again.
FINALLY, u picked up.
Gosh i missed talking to you badak.It was realy nice.
I missed it. you sounded tired. yeah maybe cause you puase.but still it was really nice to hear ur lazy voice.haha.
I had so much to say to you.But yeah i just woke up so i lost the words.
So much to express but was too tired to do so.
So here;

semoga you sentiase happy and bahagia always.
i hope you find your peace in anything you do.
i hope u always succeed. i hope you're always healthy.
i hope u never give up in life. i hope u still keep an open mind if life fails you again.
i hope you never forgot how much a great friend you've been to me.
i hope even if people talk crap or shit about you, you would remember i'm here kicking their asses for you.
i hope that you know that i love you to bits and pieces and i would never forget you.
i hope that you know that i wish you well at all times.
i hope that you realize that i'm still here to lend an ear to listen to you.
i hope that you know i really miss you.
so biarlah bulan puase skalipun, have fun and be happy on your birthday.
you're getting old buddy, i just realized.haha.
pegilah kuar mkn ngan kwn2 you and cheer up. i wanna do that but im too far away.

So this is my wish for you. My hopes and thoughts for you.
Again happy bday badak.
I miss you & love you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why a blog? :)

Ok. Honestly?
I have no idea why the hell I set up this blog.
Do I have a life? YES.
Then again, blogs are for people who wish to share their lives. Right?
So am I messing around here? Hmm MAYBE.
Spilling all my thoughts? DEFINITELY.
So motif? still don't know, still thinking.

- life related, so shut up if you don't agree.
-life related, so try to understand.
-life related- so no judging.
-mixes of languages,so bare with it.

Basically, I guess it's all about the whos and whats in my life.
