Spilling it all out.

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I have high ambitions but i contradict too much. I wanna live the life I dreamed of. And yes indeed I have, but there's more to accomplish when you know life's too short.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


this amazing person.this wonderful amazing person.this person who i love so much.
she taught me something today.i cant give up on things that were meant to be.
things that were meant to stay with me forever.
like my friendship with her.she taught me that we could succeed in keeping the friendship alive.even though billions of miles separate us, we can still make it.
u lose friends.u'll lose them alot throughot ur lives.u'll lose people who u love and care about every time,but there are those who stay with you forever.she's one of them and i know for sure.

smlm, bile i rase down sngt,i opned my myspace and i wondered how long was it that i replied everyone's comments and all.omg LAME GILE dah ok.i'm sorry guyss.cm tde mood lgsg nak repply.nak keep in touch with u guys but there's so lil time for me to do.
but this amazing person, qurratu' aini, she still had the time for me.oh how i love her so.
she came at the right moment when i had those emotional breakdowns.tyring to figure out my life and all.
she said alot of things that opned my eyes.that said to me that me and her are gonna be fine.
it sucks having to lose those you love.it sucks just having to end everything so beautiful.but she told me that's not gonna happen and i believe her :)
old things can to rekindle.i have proof but i shall not say who.but its good.
u cant just walk away and become a coward for the failure of one relationship.move on and keep striving in the ones you already are in.that's what im gonna do.

To Que;
Awk,kte tw awk akn bace nih sooner or later.and myb awk akn nanges je bile abis bace nih.haha awk tapeee,kte pun sme.awk kte syg gile babi kat awk ok.thanx sooo much sbb wat kte sedar yg kteorg still akn stay da same.i know i can count on you no matter what.how ironic wey we became closer afta kte pindah.awk tw u always have me to tell stories to kalu awk rase awk xleh nak cite kat spe2 lagi.just tell me i can lend an ear but not a shoulder for you to cry on.i miss the befores wey,bile slalu lepak and all.slalu gossip and all.i miss it.nak je blk ke mase tu.but i know kte xleh nak pegang sngt to the past,i have to move forward and im gonna do that.heck yeah que,kte dah lme dah wat cm2.& awk tw betapa susahnye kte kena wat.but yeah awk,ade gak those times when i rmmbr the past.& the saying is true,to rmmbr hurts more than to forget.
Pape pun jadi kte tw kte ade awk and awk kena tw awk slalu ade kte.xsaba sngt nak jmp awk ti.
& yes bile jmp,xnak nanges,kena nikmati mase kteorg sme2 k.ilysdm qurratu' aini <333

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