Spilling it all out.

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I have high ambitions but i contradict too much. I wanna live the life I dreamed of. And yes indeed I have, but there's more to accomplish when you know life's too short.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eid Mubarek Everyoneeee :DD

Day 1

Yeah so that's how they say it here in Saudi Arabia or any Gulf countries.
Was pretty weird for me at first but i got used to it.
Tapi xleh beat lagi org melayu kate,
"Selamat Hari Raye,Maaf Zahir Batin"
sedap gak ckp cm2.:)

ok soo people wud have tot my pagi raye sucked.
technically it was coz we were soooo tired!
dpt tw raye mlm tu afta isyak which was like at 8 sumthing.
mama lagi la panic cm org gile sbb xprepare pape lagi tuk pagi raye.
dah la umah xsiap hias lagi tuk raye.
den raye dtg mengejut.but i was happy.
for no reason kot.cm xde lah i leh agk this year pny raye was gonna be the best but i hoped for it.
so mlm raye tuu we stayed up ALL night until 4am to prepare brg msk and all.
mama as usual msk nasi dagang tganu fames die tu lah.oh yummy :D
daddy lak bz ngan kemas2 umah and gantung2 gamba kteorg especially all the family pics that were kept stuffed in boxes for ages.hahhaa.
its nice to see our family functioning all together.
well i have to tolong mama sediakan bahan tuk msk.sayur and all alah sng je nak handle, smpi mama soh potong aym.
i was like,
"hell no!" hahah i just cant hold a raw chicken or fish or daging.mmg xleh geliiiii.
i ngan slambenye ckp kat mama,"oh mama tape bile along dah besar,nak msk ke pe,g pasar soh drg siang and potong sume." then mama tengking,"alah tape la tade laki nak kat ko dah." hahah siodd je.pastu terpakse laa pegang juga :P
tp gune plastic lah xD

so then kul 4pg br tido we were all exsausted but quite seronok act doing sumthing mlm raye.
kalu kat kmpg lu,tok je la yg sediakan bhn and bibik yg tlg die.now we can act help mama.it was a good feeling tho.
so then pagi raye dtg,i woke up at 8.hahah ok la tu kan?consider we worked our asses off the night b4.
then daddy pun lwk,miss semyang raye!penat pny psl.
see thats what u get for doing ur work at the eleventh hour people.advice to all.haha!
so then we all got ready and stuff.sadly kteorg tade bj raye yg br sbb xsmpt nka tempah so kteorg terpks la pki bj kurung yg beli tuk perkahwinan ayh ngah.it was all mathcing.adek badek pink,mama daddy purple.
believe it or not 1s raye puuuun dah belambak opn hs!omggg mule2 3umah je,skali tuuu asek dpt jmputan smpi 7buah!penat laaa kteorg satu hari berjln.dah la da next day family kteorg wat opn hs.satu haprak pun xstat lagi.so then off we went to pakcik ???(lupe!) den guess who i saw.HIM.argghh i was like SHIT.
tp dlm hati kena caver jek.jgn nmpk obvious.but then omg,a miracle happened,he saw me and came up to me.
"Selamat hari raye syafiqah." then he hugged me.i was like :O :O :O
i was clueless,one night we're not evn friends,the next morning we were perfectl fine!
i felt relieved tho.it might be a good sign rite?
then we started taliking but it was akward.3 whole weeks with a word out of our mouths and this happens.
rezeki hari raye kot.Alhamdulillah...

then pegi dahran and met up with tons of ppl,it was nice seeing Malaysians kumpul rmi2.rinduuuu rase kat mesia.tp terubat gak tgk meriah raye tahun nih :D

so overall update,
!st day Eid= BETTER :D

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