Spilling it all out.

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I have high ambitions but i contradict too much. I wanna live the life I dreamed of. And yes indeed I have, but there's more to accomplish when you know life's too short.

Friday, October 10, 2008

pretty bz weeek :)

yes it was..very very bz week.
not so much fun i guess.something's going on but it hard to explain.
arrghh relationships getting ruined again and again.
but my grades are up!thats a good thing.busting my head off with formulas in physics and calculus.
studying is hard now.hahah i cud admit to that too. :P
and and guess what?i got an A in my physics test!for the first freaking timeee!im sooo happy!
from all the F's ive been getting.sucha embarrassment.hahaha. so im doing pretty good.

Eid's almost over for us i guess but for the malaysians here,it still on a roll.got a few more ied parties next week so it shud be fun.
we missed out a major one yesterday and i was sooo mad!we cud have been here having fun but we were all stuck in bahrain in school!
fyi bahrain weekends are on fridays and saturdays and saudi weekends are on thursdays and fridays.*
but wtv,i got to see dekna bie achik and the guys soo it was ok :)
lme x rase lemang woo.gile besh!:DDD

mama was supposed to be making the kuih raye sum more but sumone had to put the butter inside the fridge again so now we cant.stupid! now i just have to wait for another batch next week.

argghhh wanting to say more things but my mind is messed up now..

i miss tasya and fzln.i have to call them soon.im feeling homesick again this time.hope it gets better.

i miss you guysss xoxo


Ardika said...

I bet your a very good talker huh...
Looks like that you like typing very much...
I've been reading you blog today..
It was quite fun reading it even though,i know that its not about me..
I can just imagine how you love you Sister so much...Hm,is she really your sister..?It sounds like that you girls are just friends and because you guys got so close until u girls call your selves sister..Am i right..?So you didn't celebrate Hari Raya at Malaysia huh..???So what were you up to while you were over there..?Did you do anything special that day and after that?
Geese...I think I'm out of my mind..I've never typed anything as long as this before..because i usually type anything as short as it can be...but i don't know..whats wrong even if type long or short sentences..their still called words rite.?hm mm...and now I don't know what to talk about,I'm blank now...Don't know what to comment about now..So hope to hear more about your self in the future..Bye!Call me @

Syafiqah Harun said...

um hey thanx.btw she is my sister (:
i dont know u right?