Spilling it all out.

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I have high ambitions but i contradict too much. I wanna live the life I dreamed of. And yes indeed I have, but there's more to accomplish when you know life's too short.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

it just gets better and better =]

i never knew Eid could be this fun!HONESTLY :D
ive been having sooo much fun these daysss.im happy that IM HAPPY.haha soo gay..
ok sooo;

Day 2

So the 2nd day we had an open hs.so we didnt sleep properly AGAIN for 2days.hahaha.
I woke up with humongous eye bags and it wasnt evn funny of how bad i looked. but then i stuffed up my face with concelear so problem solved :D
so bla bla bla we all got ready.and my friends already promised that they were coming,non-malays that is soo it was gonna be fun.
people started to come at like 1pm so we had time to rest b4 that but when they came i was sooo excited!
then the azmans and zuls came.lagi laaa.kwn maaaa :D
michael came and yessss we were sooo ok by then.reem came with dalia then sufia came soon afta that.
it was OK to what i expected.they felt akward coz it was all malaysians soo they didnt know what to do unlike michael who completely understod everything!hahha u suck,just coz u know malay :P
then bie mira dekna achik came!the highlights of my day!!!!! i LOVE them!
then bie and miraaa hahahaha ade2 je laa.kate M hot and all.i slambe laaa introduce and all.awwwww :D
so we ate we laughed and i had to help mama in the kitchen.biase la ank sulooonggg.benciiii.
then it was time to cut the cake mama daddy beli for angah and achik since their bdays were close.
angah 2nd and achik 16 oct.so perfect time.kebetulan uncle taufik and his son had their bdays the sme days soo wooo 2 yummy bday cakes!
and daddy bot outs from baskin robbins!lagi la meleleh air liurr.hahaha.
then we all sang hppy bday and all and guess who had to cut the cake??ME!hahaha.
believe it or not i took literly half an hour cutting the cake and serving it!
nooo it wasnt my fault!the cake was still hard!thats why!mama was teasing me sooo badly but who cares.hahaha :P

then ummm the other HE came.FUGG.the fugging annoying boyyy.true definition of POYO!
bajet dtg dr mesia with all this poyonesss.yeah yeah i admit he's cute but come on!et a grip of yourself.
pandang2 org cm nak mkn,pastu nak mengada2 lak.haihhhh saket hati jek.
but me as usual wat bodooo je.mls nak lyn.
then bla bla bla mkn ckp bla bla reem and all decided to go to the beach.haha they cudnt stad it no more,i dont blame them.but they said they wud cum back so i was ok with it.
so i was stuck with haziq michael and my girls :D
i was act having fun,talking with michael and all since we havent spoken in ages.hahah :P
then bie mira all had to go to other houses soo tinggal haziq je.we talked lepak kat lua then at 6pm-ish everyone decided nak wat convoy g umah org.
hahah smangat raye betul lah!but it was fun.
we ended up seiing michael and his adorable brother again so i practically chilled with him haziq and my sisters the whole day :D
we went back at 11pm cleaned up and i fell dead sleep


omggg talking about tired!
satu ari kat dahran.hahah from supposedly 4 houses turned out to be what 8?
ahahah but it was the mst fun days ever!
with mira back from mesia it was the bomb!
sumpah i missed that girl!:D mira i wub youuuu <33
from one to house to another,her bie dekna achik and da lil kids wud cum with us in daddy's car.
its as if daddy had sooo many daughters and mama still looked young.hahah!
but one thing that bugged me was the fact that we werent with the Ras Tanura crew coz mama said we wud go on our own.
(we had convoys from RT and Dahran which are two diff Aramco camps in Saudi,we went with the Dahrain convoyy)so we didnt hang out much with haziq and zul.
but wtv!i had my girls!!!
when we were bored we wud randomly go out of the house and go in the middle of the streets and take pics!!
hahaha.i love being who i really am with them.i miss myself.but maaaan this eid totally brought it out!

and oh!one more embarrasing thing thing that happned tday was my pants ripped!
and oh u wud think in a descent place but noooooo.
it was near my butt line!sooo maluuuu !!
dah la laki yg kena tegur bout it.bie lak tergelak2 siap amek gamba.i had to pull down my shirt to cover it.hahahaha.but then ok la tade org pasan pun.
they might have noticed perut boroi i lah.
8 houses,what do u expect!
nyways tomoro,we might not go anywhere.
finally REST!
haha no more like HOMEWORK time!seriously i need to start my work.aarrgghhh,,,,

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