Spilling it all out.

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I have high ambitions but i contradict too much. I wanna live the life I dreamed of. And yes indeed I have, but there's more to accomplish when you know life's too short.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


well yeah we do have it here.HALLOWEEN.
kalu kat mesia,haram kalu smbut sbb psl hantu and syaitan sume,tp yeah funny gak,arb saudi,still ade meh?haha.
probably bcoz our compound and our school American-based so mmg drg smbut pun.
but nyways,Bahrain School had a Spooktacular Bash and it was a major event at that night.
ramai gile org dr luar and skolah len dtg.wahh meriah gile arh.
mule2 i wasnt gonna go coz mama wanted us back home but then angah had to go buy the tickets so we went instead.i was worried coz i didnt plan it out with my friends so i didnt know who i was gonna go with but then turns out Jess was goin so i was goooood :)
mule2 ingat nak dress up la nak pakai costume sume but it was last minit!i had no damn costume and the last 30 minutes of the event i find out that i was gonna help with the Not-So-Haunted-House for the lil kids!
hampeh gileeeee plan!tade costume so i went as a gypsy 'supposedly'.HAHA :P
bile tny org i look like what,they all said i looked like myself.i was like WTH??haha.but then people figured out soon i act looked like a gypsy!yay me :D

so then me and jess arrived from the dorm to school and damn the school looked amazing!the commitee did a really great job in decorating and all.nmpk live cm umah berhantu u wud say.haha.
so then the first agenda was going trick-or-treating like in the movies!oh gosh i havent been trickortreating in such a long time sjk2 dok kat Texas dulu.and now dpt merase blk.haha tp len sket lah,kalu dlm movies u go to house to house,this one u pegi kat one person to the other asking for candy.

hahah penuh jugak my bag!rase cm dak kecik lak :)
then me and jess were planning to chill je UNTIL her mom panggil kate ken awat shift at the kids' haunted house.alamaaaaaak dah naik malas dah rasenyeee.
but then we stole time to go to the haunted huse for teenagers.haaaa this one supposedly was gonna be scary coz it was all set up by the military guys from the American base.hahah so me and jess lined up with omar and others, but didnt care that much.
we went in a group of 6,us girls only.masuk2 pun dah seram gileee,kena lari la ape lah.
gelap gileeee dlm da room,seb bek ade glowinthedark sticks yg kteorg dpt mule2.so then nmpk la hantu gelak2 and people hanging from the ceilings.
mule2 ingat patung je,rupe2nye it was a real person!abis die jerkah i and smpt tngkp i kat tgn.i lagi la jerit cm org gile lari2 sume smpi terlanggar dinding.HAHAH.
haaaa this is when the funny part comes,!
pas terlanggar dinding,i got all dizzy and we were lost coz i was infront!hahaha i tried going thru the wall and all but didnt work so we started screaming.then lagi bangang the military guy yg supposedly our guide lari cm org gile saying "its fine its fine jst look down and crawl!" and we were like WHAT???
hahah pastu nmpk tunnel kat bwh.so we crawled thru and we made it out but the tunnel was pointless act.
hahah oh wells,credits to the army people.it was act a good haunted house but none can beat the one at Seef Mall with the chainsaw and all.hell yeah man that one's just crazy :)

then afta that me and jess headed staright to the kids haunted house.and we had to be the guides to the entrace.it was nice act being on shift.first of all i got CAS hours which is community service for IB which i really needed and 2nd of all i knew most of the lil kids and they LOVE me :)
not bragging at all but since i jadi TA(teacher's assistant) for elementary school,everyone from that part knew me and they were all coming up to me.its was fun coz i LOVE lil kids (:
then my shift took 2hours!two crazy hours WITHOUT FOOD.so u cud imagine how grumpy i was.then i finally got off shift and ate pizza hut but then i had no time to play all the games!
oh well it was a fun night act. so it was all good.
the next morning i went back to saudi.

after that we had another carnival in saudi which was kinda lame bcoz it was all for lil kids and since i had a lil sister i had to go babysit her.
mama and daddy were in a diff camp sbb ade opn house so i got stuck with all my sisters.
honestly it sucked bcoz i was already bored and going to a place like that made me more misrable but for the fun of my sisiter i just went.
came back home exausted like hell.and now typing this up.

*oh yeah MAJOR ATTENTION,ill try uploading pictures of events here soon.
still new with the blog so need time to figure out :)


Unknown said...

eyca!! sejak biler ade blog?? nggak penah tau poowwnnn. waaaa. cam bes giler ur skool nyer halloween thingy. kitorang mase kat st chris, mane ade carnival camni, dances jek. naik boring gi dances, sumer same jer.
but dis year, kat notts xde la halloween celebration. but der was a masquerade held by the chemical eng society. bes giler arh, ade ice-breaking games, performances which were awsm, n such. n i met dis one guy! omg, i'll tell u sumwer else laaaa. hahaha. ne who, but mlm 2 i didn't hav a proper mask, xtau nak beli kat ne, so beli yg kat depan pintu, seringgit jek, gune coloured paper. nampak cheap giler doww. so took it off in d mid of d party laaa
anywhooo, nak gi haunted house ngan eyca laaa!! kite gi lari sesame! cam org sakit jiwa!! wakakaka!
loves, mira

Syafiqah Harun said...

haha br je miraa.coz my frens cant keep up with my life cni so every weekend kte try post blog with all my updates and all.
ohh biase la kat mesia they dont usually have halloween celebrations aw,but weyyy that sounds like fun!
kte xnah g pun masquerade party :P
oh oh new hot guy??hahah ok ok btau ti aite :D
yeah i knowww we cu be mental patients escaping from tanjug rambutan (if u know what that is) hahahaha.
love youuu xoxo